Philipp Schmitt: Interaction Designer

MAR 2014 – APR 2014

360° Weather App

A short project on weather visualization, 360° is an augmented reality weather app for iOS

360° was a three-week data visualization project. The task was to use the OpenWeatherMap API.

The app isn't your usual weather app. 360° compares the temperature at your current location to the weather in cities around the world solely using color.

Some Screens from the 360° Weather App
Cities are arranged horizontally with their temperature visualized as a background color. The bottom shows your local temperature. Blending the color into each other allows for an ambient way to compare the weather.

Cities are displayed not on a single screen, but around the user in their respective geographical direction. To navigate between cities, one has to move and turn around. A city can only be seen when the phone is pointed towards its direction.
This way, 360° becomes an augmented reality visualization.

Here's a quick video that shows how the app behaves as you turn around.

In order to illustrate the concept, we built a prototype as an iOS web application. There's a buggy version that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. You can try it on your iPhone here.

Team Partners
Florian Lubnau
Project Type
Student project at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Data Visualization by Benedikt Gross